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Suchen Sie , die schnell ist, eine Analyse Ressource endet? Zur Zeit laden wir! Wir bieten das Buch, das Sie wirklich brauchen jetzt. Dieses Buch ist genau für inspirierende viele Menschen entwickelt, die es lesen. Wenn Sie wirklich schneller erhalten Führer haben, sind Sie in den besten Tarif. Diese Internetseite wird nicht nur Führer in weichem Datensystem gerade bieten. Sie können jedoch zusätzlich es gerade nehmen und auch schnell und ohne ein paar Tage zu verbringen, die Zeiten zu warten oder warten Sie Zeit haben.

Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1331 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 96 Seiten
Verlag: Heritage House; Auflage: 5th ed. (24. August 2011)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#1.421.501 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Great book, very interesting story about a deadly fugitive who outsmarted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and enjoyed making fools out of them, other trappers and indians helping the posse that was pursuing him, but one fateful mistake in the end cost him his life, luckily for the RCMP and the others chasing him, Albert Johnson enjoyed circling back behind them and leaving clues sending in the wrong direction several times, if Albert Johnson was determined to loose them and start over somewhere else instead of toying with the people chasing after him, this story would have had a very different ending and the RCMP would have never been able to get their man, and would not be able to say that they always get their man.
This is an interesting book. The film is a good one but not only takes dramatic license for the sake of a good story but drastically changes actual history, making a villain out of the man who flew the plane for the Mounties and a sympathetic character out of Albert Johnson, a man who deserves no sympathy and about whom there is little real doubt about his guilt. Reality is pretty much as exciting as the film version and this is a great book for anyone interested in Canadian history, particularly this remote area.
Mad Trapper of Rat River; isn't that a great name. I loved it. I have been fascinated by this story since seeing the movie Death Hunt. When I found this book I had to have it. Movies are great but are usually Hollywooded up. Books, with a good writer can put you right there. It was great to read about the conditions and landscape of the area. The desperation of Albert Johnson to escape, his pursuers to capture their prey and the cat and mouse games played are chronicled ably by the author. A very good read.
This book is fairly short but it covers the subject very well. Once started, I didn't want to put it down.
Had it not been an uncle that had lived in the area and could remember the events during the time I would not have been so engaged with this read. Is it a must read? No, but to see how it was true to life and what he did is cause to read
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